Robyn began taking dance lessons at the age of 7. Throughout her years as a student, she assisted and taught several classes before finally opening her own studio in 1998. Over the next 10 years, while owning and operating her studio, she received a BS in Exercise Physiology and continued to train and perform with the Pine Belt Youth Ballet in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, under the instruction of Yvonne Bergeron and Henry Danton. In 2006, she and her husband felt the Lord leading them to spend a season at the International House of Prayer in Atlanta, where her husband would lead worship and grow in his gifting. Two years later, her husband took a job in Peachtree City and they found themselves living a mile from where Compass Dance Academy was just beginning!
Robyn is also a Spiritual Director with Soul Shepherding. She and her husband Brandon have been married 26 years and have four adult children and two grandchildren. She is thrilled to teach and disciple dancers of all ages to know and understand that "...in Him we live and move and have our being" (Acts 17:28).