2024-2025 School Year
Sept. 3, 2024-May 16, 2025
These policies are in place to help Compass operate smoothly and employ the principles set forth by the Lord as He guides us in teaching and growing our dancers for His glory.
"In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life." 1 Timothy 6:19
Monthly tuition is calculated by dividing your total school year tuition cost for classes (at least 32 weeks of classes per school year) by 9 months (September through May). Monthly tuition is not calculated based on the number of classes per month which can vary due to holidays and end-of-the-year recital timing. With that stated, tuition stays the same each month regardless of holiday/school closings. Note: this year classes will end with our recital on May 16-18, 2025 but full tuition is still due for the month of May.
Monday students take fewer classes over the course of the year because of Monday school holidays in September and January, so a lower monthly tuition rate will be calculated to offset this difference during those two months.
Adult Classes have a different monthly rate.
Compass accepts debit/credit card payments through our online payment portal. This will be set up during registration. Tuition is due the first week of classes each month, September through May. The credit card on file will be charged by the 16th of each month if tuition has not been paid. If there is something we need to know before we charge your card on the 16th, please let us know as soon as you can. If you would rather pay by check, please let us know. A credit card is still required on file and will be charged on the 16th if payment has not been submitted.
Before the end of the year recital, we will charge $15 recording fee (so we can provide you with a digital recording of the recital). Just one $15 per family.
We charge a once per school year $25 registration fee (one registration fee per family, not per student). This fee will be applied during the registration process.
Full regular monthly tuition is due even if you or your child cannot for some reason attend every class. See information below regarding absences and make-up classes. Also see information below regarding tuition if missing an entire month or longer.
Students must be on time for class. Being on time means the student is in the right studio wearing the appropriate dance clothing (see separate guide for dress code requirements) and ready to dance.
Students must respect the teacher and follow the rules set forth by the teacher.
No gum, food or drink (except water bottle) is allowed in the studios.
Eating is allowed in any snack designated area or board room. We just ask that you clean up after yourself.
If a dancer is misbehaving or becoming disruptive, the teacher can require the dancer to sit and watch class or remove the child from the class altogether.
For the safety of the dancers, stud earrings are the only jewelry allowed in class.
If the studio is cold, warm-up clothing (leg warmers, ballet sweaters, etc.) is allowed until the student's muscles are warmed up.
For their safety, dancers are not allowed outside the building in only a leotard and tights. Cover ups must be worn as dancers come and go from dance class. Do NOT wear dance shoes outside of the building.
Parents are welcome to stay in the lobby or waiting room during their child's classes. Observation of classes is allowed in designated spaces. Classes in Beracah and Ebenezer can be viewed from the observation room, chairs are placed in the back of Hepzibah for observation, and parents can coordinate with teachers in our Meholah and Baal Perazim studios as space is more limited in these spaces. Parents and other children are not allowed to sit at the back of Beracah and watch (unless in the actual observation room). This is a huge disruption to class. Please note that we ask for parents to remain quiet and not use cell phones or computers in parent observation spaces to avoid disruption to the class.
No running down the halls, kicking balls inside the facility, riding skateboards, or playing loudly in the hallways.
Unsupervised children are not allowed in the front office/teacher’s lounge area.
We will help students find a make-up class in the event of an absence. Please email to schedule a make-up class.
We DO NOT give refunds for missing class. In order to maintain the financial sustainability of our studio, we cannot give refunds to every student that misses a class. Instead we allow students to take an extra class (even if it is a different type of class then what they normally take) as a make-up. Exceptions to this rule for medical reasons require a doctor’s note stating the student is injured or severely ill necessitating missing several classes in a row. In this situation, we will gladly reserve the students spot in class without requiring tuition payment during that time.
During the second half of the year (leading up to our Praise the King recital), if a student needs to miss a number of classes in a row, we may need to remove them from their Praise the King recital dance. This may be necessary based on how much catching up is required by the dancer as the class prepares for their performance.
In most cases, Compass Dance Academy follows the Fayette County School System schedule for inclement weather. If we can stay open, though, we will. We always communicate, so check email regularly. We will always email if we are closed for weather.
Scheduled 2024-2025 school year closings for Compass include:
Monday, September 2 (Labor Day)
November 25-29 (Thanksgiving)
December 23-January 3 (Christmas).
Classes will resume for second semester on Monday, January 6.
Monday, January 20 (MLK Day)
February 17-21 (Winter Break)
April 7-11 (Spring Break)
Classes end on Friday May 16
If you need to withdraw from class for any reason, please email right away.
Tuition is still due for the current month, but future months will not be charged. Tuition will continue to load and be due until we have written notice of the withdrawal.
Teachers will evaluate students throughout the year to ensure each dancer is properly placed in the dance class that provides the optimal learning environment. Placement of a child in a dance class is at the sole discretion of the dance teacher and studio director.
Placement on pointe is also at the sole discretion of the teacher and studio director and is determined by a combination of factors: students age, number of years training, and strength of the ankles, feet and legs.
Please drop your child off 10-15 minutes before class starts in order to make sure your child is in class on time.
Please arrange to have your child picked up when class is over. If you are going to be late for pick up, please call and inform the receptionist.
Students under the age of 12 are not allowed to be left at Compass without parent supervision unless they are in an actual dance class.
Students are not allowed to wait for pick up outside the building for security resaons.
All Compass Dance Academy updates will be sent via e-mail only (no hard copies). E-mails are sent frequently with current updates. Please ensure your email is correct on the parent portal. If you don’t receive an e-mail, let us know so that we can ensure we have your current e-mail address.
Compass Dance Academy has an open door policy. We want to hear from you if you have any concerns or questions. We want to help each dancer grow and find their God-given potential, and we can’t do this if we aren’t informed of a child’s particular needs. Please feel free to communicate with the Compass Director at any time. Please be aware that your child’s teacher might need to go directly into teaching another class, so if you specifically need to discuss something with the teacher please speak with the Compass Director to set up an appointment.
Compass Dance Academy will offer parents an opportunity for a class observation before Christmas.
Our main worship event is scheduled every May (May 16-18, 2025) and is called Praise the King.
Participation in any performance is optional for your dancer. If you choose not to participate, please let your dance teacher know as soon as you can.
Costumes will be purchased for Praise the King in January, and each student is responsible for paying for their costume. If your student is enrolled in January, you are required to purchase the costume even if you end up dropping the class later. Compass is committed to ensuring the costume cost is reasonable and affordable. NO REFUNDS on costume purchases.
Compass Dance Academy, Inc. is not liable for any injuries or any unexpected medical condition that might occur during a dance class. Please inform the Compass staff of any condition you or your child has at the time of enrollment. This will help us better serve each student.